Thursday, June 12, 2014

Cant Sleep... SO RAMBLE I MUST!!

For a moderately normal monthly menstrual cycle, you will have :

1 week of PMS - premenstrual symptoms leading up to your menses (is tat even a word?) - this includes sporadic crying, tantrums, outbursts, chocolate gluttony, and just plain crazy ass bitchiness.

Followed by:

1 week of actual *menstrual flow* (plus minus a few days) - which includes a combination of depression, melancholy, paranoia, self loathing or just plain crazy ass bitchiness.

You are only left with an 'emotionally balanced woman" for 2 weeks.


This is a true story.

Guys please take note.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Go Your Own Way

Listening to Fleetwood Mac's - Go Your Own Way.


The whole night.

Hope I can sleep tonight.

Hope... what a delusional word.. 

Day 2

Day 2 of my fitness regime, today we did a grueling T-25 Session. If you're not sure what is a T-25, here it is:

T-25 grueling workout session

In Sickness and in Health..

Aunt Flow.

Wow.. all in one.

The date is approaching

Yes. it's December. Means the date is approaching. And every year as it approaches, I will surely be up to something. As my dear friend Mayam would note, from hair color, to eye color, to things that I would just suddenly do without any explanation. And this year is no different, without even blinking an eye, I signed up for Zumba classes, and also signed up for my first Twitter account.

So yeah, I will have zumba classess from 6.30 - 8pm every Mon, Wed, Thu. and also I am stalking celebrities Twitterpages. This the season to be Jolly.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Astrology and Me. Capricorn & Earth Element

Are you into Astrology? I kind of do. It is interesting...I'm a Capricorn.What about u? I do read astrology from time to time and being a Capricorn... it kind of does depicts me... not entirely but.. ..almost...

The Ripple effect

On another more sombre note.. while I was washing the dishes just now.. a thought came across my mind.. have you ever realized that any action (or inaction) that we do will have a ripple effect?

Try throwing a stone into a lake for example.. it will cause a ripple.. which will move outwards.. sometimes reaching far end of the lake (depending on how powerful the 'throw' is)

So for example, if we do something 'nice or kind' today... it might have an effect on another person... either directly or indirectly..  let's pay it forward.. do something kind for someone today.. make his or her day...