Tuesday, March 27, 2012

My first Iphone Post :-P

Aku tgh gatal nk try blogging pakai keypad touchscreen Iphone aku yg kecik dan halus nih..cite2 besar kan..? Quite impressed so far, ke aku je yg ketinggalan or is everyone else dah used to blogging thru phone? Ape pon clicking away at the laptop mcm lebif feel kan typo plak malas nk pi clearkan blik..haha..

Wah dah pandai paragraph lagik..! Anyway bukan apa, ots just aku byk snap gamba thru iphone m mcm 'kurang rajin' nk always email the pics to the lappy in order to upload the pics in the post. Ntah pape je kan? Randpm post ni sbnarnay (& yes im still using ipone to karang this post this time) oh ya nak share picture of one of our neighbourhood cat nama diia 'SINBAD' ganas x nama dia ( ala2 sinbad & the 7 seas hikayat tu) look it up why dontcha? Here's his pic sleeping on my baby blue...

(actually it took a few minutes for me to figure out yg mmg. xLeh access pix dari ipone aku straight to this blog post :-P) dafish!!! Terpaksalah aku guna lappy gak (saved ini draft) and will xontinue on lappy. Sheesh.

....continued on the lappy.. I guess if I just want to blog without posting any pictures, then it would be an option to blog using the phone... but to share pictures.. still kene guna Lappy (or does anyone have any idea how to link or post pic in the blog using Iphone?) Let me know ya... ! So here is Sinbad, sleeping away on my baby blue... say hi Sinbad!! :-D

                                             (Sinbad dalam hati : "Why is this weirdo taking my pic???")  :-P

Well as for today, actually yesterday my GFF(2) Mayam is back from Perth!!! (say hi Mayam if you're reading this!) Dari semlm aku nk call2 dia x dpt ..dia tido la.. aku bz la.. but really need to catch with her on her adventures...!! Oh btw mcm mana boleh terlupa plak.. hari ni masuk duit BONUS!!! Ahahaha.. masyuk...!! Oh well, seme DUIT go to my car... my house.. and don't forget ye kengkawan... bulan bayar cukai... deadline is April 30th...! So segera berjimat.. anda selamat... (Hahahha so cheesy how I came up with that line??) Urghh... anyway... IMY ILY...!! You know who you are :-P

Monday, March 26, 2012

Pick Yourself Up and Go

LIFE doesn't have a Pause button (unlike the movie Click) it just goes on and on, people will come and color your lives, they will leave some trails of paint in your heart. While others might not... so just Pick yourself up and Go with it *smile* Happy Monday, and a happy working week ahead! :-)

Sunday, March 25, 2012


Aku dah lama nak memceceh pasal topik ni.. tapi asyik x de masa je... Anyway, sebelum aku masuk topik 'Rebonding' tu ... aku just nk wish happy lazy Sunday to u olls... esok dah Monday kan... kejap je weekend kite berakhir... but anyway... let's get back on topic.. Rebonding! Mmg rebonding ni (in case ade yg x berapa familar with this term) ialah satu proses peng'lurusan' rambut.... ada mcm2 style, cara, dan tempat utk membuat rebonding ni... jiklau anda mempunya byk duit...boleh la pegi salon2 professional ala2 'a cut above' 'thomas n guys' etc etc....so naturally the results pon akan berlainan. If you go to the cheap salons tu... alamat rambut jadi lurus kejung dan keras... NOT NICE ok...? But anyway...aku bukan nak sentuh pasal rebonding yg dibuat oleh kaum wanita tetapi....

Rebonding yang dilakukan oleh kaum Lelaki... sbb aku ada nampak ada satu mamat ni tgh jalan2 dengan awek dia....(konteks lelaki di sini ialah Lelaki yg macho atau lelaki sejati ok) .. dan soalan aku ialah KENAPAKAH WEY? Perlu ke..?? Dah rebonding.. jadi lurus.. kejung.. keras.. pastu kau colorkan plak jadi blonde....! Aduh... maaf la kalau sesape yg terasa.. tetapi..jikalau anda lelaki sejati tak perlu la go that extra mile nak melawakan rambut anda sebegitu rupa... kat pompuan pon belum tentu cantik.. inikan pula kat lelaki.. aku nasihatkan kau rendam la rambut kau tu dgn minyak kelapa byk2... takot aku tengok...!

Anyway, potong pendek, kemas, kasik gel style kan sket kan ok... hensem pe.. x perlu la buat rebonding2 tuh seme...aduh.. sorry kali ni aku x sempat nk snap pic dia... (in case ade yg ingat blog aku pasal 'bf carry handbag awek) tu.. siap ada gamba kan... kali ni sorry la x de gamba... aduh mcm2...!

Here's the link

Anyway, itu je lah bebelan aku buat waktu ni. CIAO!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Lonely.. camner leh lonely kan tibe2..? Post yg tadi tu mcm post yg agak down kan bunyiknye, but this one is kinda .. consoling myself. Oh right back to the topic... Lonely. Korang mesti terpikir caner lah with all the gadgets we have, fb, twitter,  blog, youtube bla bla bla, how can you be lonely? Well sometimes, we spend so much time on all these gadgets that, 'quality time' that we suppose to spend with out loved one mcm terbantut..hence the feeling of loneliness... oh well...Aku nak share something, about a friend, well I known her for very very long, and now she kind of disappeared from my life. Apa silap aku, aku pon tak tahu. Aku msg, baik2 jer ayat aku tu, xdela rude ke ape, but she never replied me back. Aku pon x paham la, where did we go wrong. If you are reading this post, you know who you are, just decency to reply pon apa lah salahnya.
So anyway, I'm waiting for my bestie Ms K, to come home from work. It's getting really lonely here.


It's kind of sad and a sick helpless feeling when you can't say out loud what you are feeling at the moment. I have been reading blogs (other ppls blogs a lot) & I realize that blogs are a powerful tool. It's a sick sucking mind bending tool. You are throwing yourself out there for the world to see, and you are kind of exposed and vulnerable to the backlash. It's a whole other world in here, borderless, shameless and where people are downright nasty to each other. I remember from Lord of the Rings, when the ring is a powerful tool, but in the hands of evil, it can cause ultimate destruction. It's kind of the same thing in here. I have always been mesmerized by the power of the net. How it connects people from every level, and share things that you might have never known before, but sometimes ignorance is bliss. Where is the simple life where we used to grow up with? Nowadays kids grow up way too fast, and they have lesser or limited time to just be 'kids'... oh well.. If ever there is a perfect world, it would be where everyone can accept each other just the way they are, and not be so judgmental....I still feel helpless sometimes with the things that I see and read online.. sometimes I would just have to reserve my comments..if all else fails, I sincerely hope that kindness will prevail...