Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Projek Mega 'OMIEY FARM'

Assalammualaikum From KATS Malaysia....!!

It's been awhile since we have been active, with Puasa, Hari Raya, wedding, family etc, the past few months have been hectic! But nevertheless, it doesn't mean that KATS will be quiet for long, as we plan to embark new projects either this or early next month! We shall continue (or better yet, add) newer and cuter products to our line, in support of OMIEY HOME CAT SHELTER...!!

Which brings us to the topic of PROJEK MEGA OMIEY FARM...! To all of our friends and family who have donated to this noble cause, we humbly express our uttermost gratitude, and we are sure all the cats in dire need of help.. will MEOW their gratitude as well ^__^

However, we shall keep on keeping you guys updated on the progress of Omiey Farm from time to time *so be sure to check on KATS Malaysia FB page for more recent updates*

But like any other shelter, Omiey Farm will continously need the assistance and generosity of our people in order to ensure we take care of all these unwanted, poor defenseless strays, we are determined to keep on shouting out and getting OMIEY HOME's name out there. We also need your help in any way possible, either donation,sharing our plea around, help us get our name out there, or even helping us find other ways to raise funds for the shelter....!

A plea was posted recently at Pusat Jagaan Kucing's FB Page, it was posted by fellow animal lover Ivy Loh, I thought I would copy and paste it here, because her plea kind of SAYS IT ALL...  ^__^


Omiey’s Home is pleading for funds to set up a simple farm in Tanjung Malim (near to Proton). The 3 acres land has a monthly rental of RM3,500. The funds will go towards the clearing of land and construction of the farm. Omiey Farm hopes to continue to provide shelter, food, medical van rescue and a better quality of life for abandoned and rescued cats.

Their current location at Lot 6 Jln 8/1 Kg Melayu Kepong (opposite FRIM) is too small to house all the cats.

Why do I put up this plea?
I know, I can’t give enough alone. Hence, I call to you for a helping hand. We do not have the time and passion to give what these individuals are sacrificing for the animals. The least we can do is to donate (whatever amount) and to SHARE it out with others, in hope that another cat’s life is saved.

Almost 5 years in operation, Omiey Home has provided a temporary shelter for more than 200 cats monthly. Its mission is to achieve a “NO-KILL” for all cats.

Among the works carried out by Omiey’s Home in a personal capacity:
1) Accepts all cats brought to the shelter
2) On call rescue missions
3) Weekly Adoption Drives. Cats are given away for free. Weekly at Uptown Danau Kota from 8pm to 12 midnight.
4) Stopping cats from being Put To Sleep (killed) by the local Municipal shelters such as DBKL, MPBJ, MPK etc. Payments have to made to these shelters according to the number of cats rescued from them
5) Re-homing exercises
6) Bear all food, medication, neutering costs without any assistance from other parties. Irregular small donations are collected from the public (around RM1,000 a month). Their monthly expenses are between RM13,000 to RM15,000.

Farm Location: Kg Sg Darau , Behrang Ulu, Tanjung Malim, Perak in Malaysia

Funds for land clearing & construction of farm : RM35,000 to RM50,000.

ANY amount accepted. Please donate generously to those who cannot speak for themselves.

Donations to be made to :
Bank : CIMB
Account No. : 12860001086059
Account No. : 562553402447
Please include your name for them to have it published for transparency purposes

Funds received from individuals are currently published in their Facebook for transparency:




So to all the CAT LOVER'S in Malaysia, it's finally time, we can see something good happen to protect stray, or unwanted cats from being harmed, injured, starving or put to sleep....

Kindly add Pusat Jagaan Kucing and KATS Malaysia on FB to support us and get more recent updates if you haven't already done so!!

A good reading to add 

'Kucing Dalam Hadis Rasullullah SAW'

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Earth Food & ASTRO!

Ok, before I get to the story on Earth Food....

Story About My Cat ASTRO Dulu....
Nak di jadikan cerita.. Isnin lepas.. aku cuti.. ada byk sebab la kenapa aku cuti.,tapi sebab utama nya ialah utk bawa my baby son Astro pegi SUNAT!

Huh pegi Sunat??

Yea btol! Pegi Sunat! my baby Astro is growing bigger, he's about 8 months plus now, and sebagai kucing jantan, dia da start spray2 perfume dia sana sini.. ada satu hari tu dia gi spray kat the kittens yang kitorg tgh foster tu, so apa lagi.. that's it.. kena la jugak bawak dia gi sunat.. actually dalam ertikata lain SUNAT ni ialah macam 'spay, neuter, 'kasi,' mandul atau sunat'

Ok in case u ols wondering apa sebnarnya 'SUNAT KAN KUCING NI'? Well sebenarnya, dedua kucing jantan atau kucing betina dua2 boleh disunatkan /di mandulkan.

Sebab2 yang utama yang selalunya di 'harus'kan Mandul/Sunat:
1) Bila dah terlalu banyak kucing, sampai memudaratkan kesihatan, dan kucing2 itu sendiri (sampai ada yang kene langgar, kene lenyek, kene siksa dan lain2 lagi lah)
2) Bila kucing jantan dah start spray2 perfume dia skeliling rumah & terserlahlah bau-bauan yang kureng menyenangkan, sampai memeningkan kepala jiran2 sekeliling
3) Demi Kebaikan 'sejagat,' utk mengurangkan populasi kucing yang terbuang, terbiar dan sebagainya lah...

So seandainya anda ingin menyunat/memandulkan kucing anda, ini tips2 yang boleh aku bagi (dari pengalaman sendiri okek)

1) Firstly 'SILA CALL' klinik2 haiwan yang terdekat dengan anda dan tanya HARGA, dan PROCEDURE. Ikut kemampuan ok, sbb lain2 tempat lain2 harga... I don't know why, and I don't know siapa yang tentukan harga2 ni (if ada orang yang tahu dan ingin share silakan ya)

If you alls tinggal kat KL there's a few places la, tapi yang paling 'ekonomi' yang boleh we all recommend is Pusat Kurungan Haiwan DBKL, Setapak. This is their phone number 03-40243446, sila hubungi Mr Krishnan. Ingat ye. Sila call dulu untuk set appointment. Jangan tibe2 terus pergi je, takut nanti dah penuh, so sia2 je u pegi all the way.

This is the map to their place:

Harga pun dah naik sekarang, antara minimum RM60 - maksimum RM80 per cat, (ikut berat kucing tu)
(tapi still tempat ni murah sikit berbanding klinik2 persendirian yang lain)
Address : Pusat Kurungan Haiwan DBKL, Jalan Air Jernih, Off Jalan Firebrigade, Setapak
Phone : 03-40243446
Open Tuesday - Sunday, Open at 8am.
Monday is closed

Sesiapa ada cadangan lain sila lah share ya...!

Tapi in my case, aku tak sempat pegi buat appointment kat sana, so aku gi klinik terdekat, which is Klinik Haiwan Yuan, kat Pandan Indah. Klinik tu agak 'dodgy' tapi kire ok lah, takyah buat appointment, for ASTRO (male) RM90, kena bayar upfront. So this is how the clinic looks like:

I brought Astro there at around 10am, and Doctor Yuan (he's a really old, Chinese Doc) dia suruh amik dia nanti pukul 5 pm nanti. Oh ya! Lupa nak bagitahu kucing u kena PUASA dulu sebelum kena sunat, for at least, 8 hours sebelum dia masuk surgery. (Penting ok!) Aku dah siap2 kurungkan ASTRO dari pukul 2am, malam sebelum nya tuh.

So anyway, sambil menunggu sampai pukul 5pm. Aku pun pegi la berjalan2 dengan my Bestie, Ms Cupcakes! So she suggested that we go to 'EARTH FOOD', it's located at Jalan Ampang Hilir, (kire belakang Great Eastern Mall area tu) It's a huge white bungalow, you can't miss it! Concept Earthfood is like, enviromentally friendy products, services, and food. And all the food there is organically grown, SO less harmful chemicals.

This picture above is courtesy of Yum List.

Yang lain2 di bawah semua aku yang snap! ^__^

Pintu Masuk Earth Food

Baby Items, baby clothing, baby food, and baby toys!

ALMOND MILK, Tengok je aku dah telan air liur... sure sedap kan??

They have organically grown fruits for their jams, and spreads

More jams, spreads, and organic, fresh herbs

We had the pasta chicken sausage with cream sauce, SORRY SGT x sempat tangkap gambo tapiiiii to die for!! Harga RM25 per plate, but very big portion, can serve for 2 people! We had the chocolate brownie (Sangaaaat sedap, moist and huge wallop of chocolate sauce on top) RM8, also big enough to feed 2 people! Fried calamari rings (also very good) And just had plain water to drink. (hey we need to cut down the sugar right?) All in, we only spent around RM50 there, and we were already very full! *burp*

Ms Cupcakes and the Brownies!

The calamari rings! Sangat crunchy and fresh! RM 8

THE INSIDE of EarthFood

So we had a loooong healthy lunch sampai lah it was time to go get my baby Astro at 5pm. So masa amik dia tu, he was really groggy (macam dalam keadaan separa sedar) and sampai rumah I had to kurungkan dia sekejap so that, he don't walk and bump himself into things (yelah dia jalan cam sleepwalking camtu) Doc pesan jangan bagi makan dulu, takut dia muntah sbb ubat 'bius' tu still in his body. Tapi after a few hours (dalam 3 jam camtu) dia terjaga, and was begging for food, so I gave him some soft food and water. 

This is him the morning after.....

'I'm still very GROGGY and MOODY okayyyy'

So mcm tulah kisah ASTRO, welcome to adulthood my baby, and welcome to the club, just like  'SENGET' and 'MAKCIK' :P

Thursday, June 7, 2012


My cat Kennedy, yang membesar di parking lot condo, tapi kitorg kutip (sbb asyik kena serang ngan kucing besar tu)  dan kitorg dah jaga from few months ago, sekarang sedang sakit...

He is now warded at http://www.animalhospital.com.my/ dari hari Ahad lepas sampai sekarang...

Mula2.. nak cari Pusat Jagaan Kucing Ikhlas mula2, tapi call2 dorg tak jawab... last2 bwk kesini jer.. sbb keadaan dia tiba2 teruk mendadak...he turned very weak very fast.. tu yang terkejut tu..

Please pray for him ok.. semlm dah jenguk doc kate maybe penyakit ni...

Tapi he is responding well to medication... still kena warded for a few days.. masa pegi jenguk dia at the 'ward' dia recognize me, and tried to get out of the 'cage', still on drip, but nampak da cergas sikit. Nak tangkap gamba x boleh... but doc did say, kena tunggu until the virus can be under control. Pray for the best... have faith..


Sunday, May 20, 2012

Kucing ku Lari Gagah Berani :P


Seperti mana anda semua sedia maklum (cewah!!) My GFF Ms K and me,  kami adalah pencinta kucing... and our plan nak bukak kedai. [Kedai online je lah] telah pun tercapai. K.A.T.S. [kucing adalah teman setia] bertujuan sebagai jualan amal bagi membantu http://omieyhome.blogspot.com/. Omiey Home bekerja keras nak mencari tuan2 baru bagi kucing2 terbiar, dan mereka memerlukan support. So sedikit sebanyak hasil jualan KATS akan membantu dlm meringankan beban diorang.. Insyallah....!! Sesapa nk beli cenderahati boleh lah ke page KATS kami. http://katsmalaysia.blogspot.com/

So anyway kebelakangan ni I pon sibuk dari hari pelancaran KATS [GAMBAR2 bleh didapati di link ini]

Sampailah sekarang tak henti2.. malam2 kami di jemput Omiey Home utk menjual barangan kami di samping booth mereka di Uptown Danau kota, so setiap Rabu - Ahad kami ada di situ. Mari la support kami okek..!!
Di samping itu, Omiey Home akan membawa lebih kurang 10 -15 kucing hari2 untuk free adoption. Yes free.

Sepanjang2 kitorg berada di sana, bermacam2 jenis orang yg kami jumpa. Ramai yang mcm x percaya.. kucing ni free? Yes. Free. Kami bertujuan nak cari tuan2 baru bagi kucing2 ni, so that, lagi ramai kucing boleh diselamatkan.....

So mcm tu lah ceritanya, sibuk gila aku rasa kebelakangan ni, tapi rasa sangat puas dan sedikit sebanyak dapat membantu Kucing2 di Omiey Home. Let us know if you berminat nak tempah gifts, atau nk beli item2 dari Kami ok! Show us your support! ^__^

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Countdown to K.A.T.S (Kucing Adalah Teman Setia)

To some of you, you might know, about our efforts through K.A.T.S. Malaysia, with our First ever event happening this Saturday! Woo hoo!!

2 more days! Counting down to the day!

So many things to do, Kartini and I are currently working on the website, FB page, flyers, pricing etc.

Phew, I never knew setting up an online community and shop will need this much work! Haha! Please forgive us since this is our first time doing it. Don't worry, we will provide all the updates and links to you once it is setup. (Hint hint you do notice our Badge site on the right hand corner of this blog?) Well that is just a start!

But basically our target is simple, we create and design personalized gifts, and some of the sale will be donated to Omiey Home Cat Shelter.

Below are just some samples of our products! We can print your picture + Text+ Design on each item! Cool huh?

So by this Saturday 12 May our doors are open, and you are welcomed to View our Gallery. Enjoy!!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Bedroom Pavilion

OK, this is a long overdue post, tapi nak jugak share because I think, tempat ni sangat best OK!

Mule2 kena bagi senario dulu.

Di Petang Jumaat yang wetttt and rainy.. my bestie, Ms Cupcakes (Mayam) datang nak ajak lepak. So kami pergi Pavilion sebab tu yang paling dekat wit my ofis, without getting caught in the rain.

Jalan2 dalam Pavilion tetiba kita decide to go to Bedroom, Pavilion. It's located on Level 6 of Pavilion.

Ada dua entrance nak masuk Bedroom, ada jalan luar, if you take the lift, you turn right dan nampak the entrance dia. Macam ni la rupa entrance dia.

(I didn't actually had time to take any photos, biasala kalau dah jumpa Ms Cupcakes, memang langsung tak teringat nak tangkap gambo, so picture ni aku curik dari internet)

Tapi kitorang masuk through the 2nd entrance through Markethall, ada laluan bersambung ke belakang straight to Bedroom. Gamba ni pon aku copy dari Internet.

So anyway, kitorang sampai dalam pukul 5.30petang, so masih siang lagi. Crowd pun tak berapa ramai. Kire mmg lengang la. After scanning the place kitorg ternampak a row of big comfy sofas.. with big comfy pillows!

And the place time siang ada a little bit of New York Loft feel to it. Cewah mcm la aku penah gi New York kan, tapi ala2 mcm tu la...macam dalam gambar kat bawah ni...gambar di bawah sekadar ilustrasi buat imaginasi (note to self, you really need to try take more pictures!)

Kitorang sampai pun around 5.30pm camtu, so crowd takde sangat... which was GOOD.. I avoid crowds like the plague nowadays. So sebab lapar kitrog pun order la food, and cafe latte. I ordered Chicken Alio Olio, and it looks a bit like this, lots of chunks of chicken, and other condiments, and memang SEDAP! Harga pun berpatutan, kalau tak silap dalam RM21.00 per plate

This is the closest alio olio that I can find that resembled my plate of Alio Olio, with lots of chicken. Definitely worth it!!

Ok, so that's my entry for my Bedroom experience, if you want to find somewhere that is relaxed, friendly, not crowded, and sooooooo comfortable (Oh it's smoking friendly too, so it's indoors and air-conditioned, which is a plus for smokers, not me la! ;-P) But it can get a bit chilly. So bring a pashmina or sweater, if you plan to lepak lama2.... which we did... I think kitorg lepak sampai almost 10pm camtu....siap ada orang terbaring atas sofa tu sbb, dorang sediakan pillows jugak if you want to lepak and baring on the sofas. Takde orang kesah punnn...!!!

So I will definitely come again to Bedroom, to lepak, chill, lepak baring, borak lame2 and ofcoz for the wonderful chicken Alio Olio...! :-D


Friendster is Dead

How could something so profound in my life suddenly end up dead without me even realizing it?

Hari tu aku tengah carik carik ... and gali gali entryblog lama aku kat frenster, pastu pegi kat page URL not found or something like 'Cameron tea plantation' or some weird site. Rupa2nya entry blogs aku kat situ seme dah takde. Uhukk uhukk.. sedihnya..!!

Ade entry about Bojack, my one eyed cat that went through eye surgery tuh, pon dah hilang. Sedihnya tak terkata. Gamba2 toksah cakap lah.Mmg semua dah hilang.

Oh well.... rest in pieces Friendster. U were a great friend at one point in my life.


Saturday, April 21, 2012

Our Trip to Pusat Jagaan Kucing Omiey

[Amaran, entry kali ni berkaitan dengan usaha membantu haiwan bernama KUCING, bukanlah pelanduk, ayam serama, kambing gurun, iguana atau binatang2 lain]

Hi Everyone,

As promised, this is my entry about our KATS (Kucing Adalah Teman Setia) trip to PJK Omiey@Kepong, sorry la entry ni maybe terlebih panjang, because it's something we care about.

Perjalanan ke sana taklah susah sangat, if you know how to get to FRIM (Kepong) dari situ agak senang nak locate rumah banglo setingkat millik owner nya Lissa, ini. Kitorang gerak dalam pukul 2.30ptg and dalam pukul 3ptg dah sampai. Sib baik ade google maps kan...? Kawasan Kg Melayu Kepong ni agak besar, and banyak juga kelihatan rumah2 banglo mewah di sini. Sesampainya di PJK, dan sementara tunggu Lissa sampai, kami berjalan2 di perkarangan rumahnya.

Ni rupe rumah PJK Omiey dari depan

 That's me, sewaktu menunggu Lissa pulang dari adoption drive. Yg belakang tu Cat shelter agak besar.

One of Lissa part time workers, and a couple looking at adopting a cat, was also seen wandering about the compound. Lissa and her mom actually made a huge cat shelter in their own backyard. (Yg belakang tu, ada banner tu)

Berborak ngan Abg ni, sambil menunggu Lissa pulang

Kartini in front of the huge cat shelter. Yang baju purple tu pun tengah tunggu orang nak adopt dia.

Among the shelter residents, kucing2 yang di serahkan orang, terbiar, atau diselamatkan:

Menemuramah Owner Omiey Home, Lissa.

Agak sukarlah nak jot down everything yang kami bincangkan today... tapi...Secara kesimpulan, berat mata memandang, berat lagi bahu memikul... Lissa and her family started Omiey home actually 4 years ago. Sebagai pencinta kucing, mereka dah convert their own home to be temporary shelter for cats. They are now a registered Non-Profit organization. Nasib mereka baik kerana, mereka ada compound rumah yang besar, and tidakla mengganggu jiran sangat.. Sewaktu menemubual Lissa, ada gak time2 yang dia agak emotional bila menceritakan pengalaman dia.

Yerlah, kalau kita tak melalui apa yang dia lalui, mungkin senanglah orang nak cakap "Jaga kucing senang kan...bagi jelah makan"... Tapi tat is so far from the truth... Nak jaga kucing bukan la senang. Nak jaga seekor pon dah susah, ni kan pula kalau dah banyak. And kos penjagaan kucing pun bukanla murah...Pet food, pasir kucing, vitamin, ubat-ubatan.... Iyerlah masa kucing tu kecik, semua orang suka, nak main, nak bela, tapi bila dah besar atau dah bosan di buang merata tempat. (Tetiba my blood pon dah mula go upstairs la kan...)

[Tujuan kami (KATS) bukanla nak condemn sesapa, tapi tujuan kami ialah nak create AWARENESS, nak create kesedaran orang ramai, bahawa HAIWAN PELIHARAAN or PETS, bukanla binatang yang tanpa perasaan. Sedangkan Rasulullah SAW sendiri pun memelihara kucing kan...]

Anyway, sorry tersasar pulak dari topik asal, oh ya, PJK Omiey can only fit 150 cats at any one time, so Lissa and her family bekerja keras utk menempatkan sebanyak kucing yang boleh to new owners. So setakat ni, mereka aktif buat 'free adoption day' so that, they can accomodate more cats.

Antara inisiatif yg dilakukan mereka:
1) Free Adoption Day - setiap Rabu hingga Ahad di Uptown Danau Kota -  sampai 3 pagi.
2) Free adoption Day - di campus2 sekitar Lembah Kelang (contohnya harini dorg gi Kolej Polytech Cheras)
3) Adoption Day di Tesco Kepong.
4) Usaha selamatkan kucing jika diberitahu orang ramai, spt stray cats di pasar2 or gerai2

Buat masa sekarang, mereka hanya bergantung kepada derma ikhlas orang ramai sahaja, so that is where we [as in KATS] will play a role in creating the awareness, and hopefully we will do events that will support them.[jika ada rezeki Insyallah]

Antara issue yang dihadapi mereka:

"Banyak kucing kelihatan sakit dan kurus." 

Kadang kala, kucing yang diselamatkan ada mempunyai penyakit, dan kos perubatan yang elok, agak mahal. And kadang2, penyakit tu berjangkit seblum mereka sempat nak berbuat apa2. So mereka sedang mengumpul dana utk membuat sangkar lagi satu, utk mengasingkan kucing2 sakit, so senang mereka nak rawat.

Terus terang, senang la orang nak cakap 'Kenapa korang tak jaga kucing tu sampai gemuk or kenapa banyak kelihatan sakit'

Jawapannye senang:
Kucing kalau dulu pernah disayangi di manjai owner, tetibe kena buang, mestila dia depressed, and they won't eat. Paksa la macam mana pon. What they need is an owner that can love them. Insyallah, mereka kembali kuat, gemuk dan comel. (Aicehhhhhh)

'Spay, neuter, kembiri, mandulkan...? Tak pupus ke kucing nanti...? Kesian kucing tu...'

Soalan di atas antara soalan2 fofuler yang sering ditimbulkan. Adik2...abang2...usaha2 itu semua adalah bertujuan untuk 'mengawal populasi' kucing. Sekarang ni populasi mereka dah berlebihan, cuba pergi ke pasar2 besar, gerai2 makan, rumah2 kedai, etc. Tidakkah lagi kesian kalau kucing jalanan beranak pinak tanpa owner nak jaga dorang..And lebih kejam nasib mereka kalau di tangkap dan terseksa di pusat2 kurungan menanti mati. (Tolong bezakan di sini ye.. Pusat Jagaan (Shelter) dan Pusat Kurungan (tempat2 kurungan contohnye MPAJ or DBKL)

So camtulah, pengalaman kami hari ni, kami respect and menyokong PJK Omiey ni, dan kami nak mengalu-alukan supaya shelter2 lain bergabung sama untuk bertukar2 pendapat dan boleh la menolong satu sama lain. Tak payahla nak condemn or jatuhkan usaha murni mereka ini. Kalau bukan mereka yang buat, sape lagi yang nak buat? [Soklan cepumas disitu kan?].  Setakat ni, kitorg cuma tahu pasal PJK Omiey ni, tapi kalau ade sesape yang tahu mengenai shelter2 lain, silalah bagitahu kami ok. Insyallah sumbangan, derma ikhlas, even your support sahaja pun dah memadai untuk membantu mereka. Insyallah usaha anda semua akan diberkati Allah swt.Amin.

Kalau korang ade facebook, korang boleh la like 'Pusat Jagaan Kucing' untuk mengetahu details lebih lanjut.

PS/ Lissa akan hadir to our KATS Hi-Tea and Charity Sale, event on 12 May bulan depan. She will share more details with all of us on that day as well.

Seblum terlupa, terimalah salam pengenalan kucing2 my family cats, semua nya kami selamatkan dari jalanan.

Saturday, April 14, 2012


As the title suggests, me and Tini will be organizing our first ever KATS event, (kucing adalah teman setia) this hopefully will kickstart our efforts in a small way to help Omiey Cat Shelter in their activities. We plan to sell some stuff during that day, and raise some funds to be donated to the cat shelter. This hopefully will be our first of many2 events to come. If our business improves, we also plan to maybe help other shelters in the future.

A representative from the shelter will also be there to share information on what they have done, in either rescue and re-homing the cats.

Do drop me a message if you are interested to participate, it will happen on 12th May 2012.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Omiey Home

Assalamualaikum......Hi everyone, my post this time is about Omiey Home, run privately for the past 4 years ago by Melissa Ridzuan.

Please visit her site

She takes care of abandoned and stray cats, runs adoption drives, and rescues cats from the DBKL Animal Center (which will 'dispose' the cats, if no one adopt them) So if you are a cat lover, or if you just want to help, and want to do something to help, Omiey Home, please contact them directly. I have also volunteered my services to them, and you can join me if they have new activities coming soon.

Cats Cannot Speak for themselves, only we can help them.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

My first Iphone Post :-P

Aku tgh gatal nk try blogging pakai keypad touchscreen Iphone aku yg kecik dan halus nih..cite2 besar kan..? Quite impressed so far, ke aku je yg ketinggalan or is everyone else dah used to blogging thru phone? Ape pon clicking away at the laptop mcm lebif feel kan typo plak malas nk pi clearkan blik..haha..

Wah dah pandai paragraph lagik..! Anyway bukan apa, ots just aku byk snap gamba thru iphone m mcm 'kurang rajin' nk always email the pics to the lappy in order to upload the pics in the post. Ntah pape je kan? Randpm post ni sbnarnay (& yes im still using ipone to karang this post this time) oh ya nak share picture of one of our neighbourhood cat nama diia 'SINBAD' ganas x nama dia ( ala2 sinbad & the 7 seas hikayat tu) look it up why dontcha? Here's his pic sleeping on my baby blue...

(actually it took a few minutes for me to figure out yg mmg. xLeh access pix dari ipone aku straight to this blog post :-P) dafish!!! Terpaksalah aku guna lappy gak (saved ini draft) and will xontinue on lappy. Sheesh.

....continued on the lappy.. I guess if I just want to blog without posting any pictures, then it would be an option to blog using the phone... but to share pictures.. still kene guna Lappy (or does anyone have any idea how to link or post pic in the blog using Iphone?) Let me know ya... ! So here is Sinbad, sleeping away on my baby blue... say hi Sinbad!! :-D

                                             (Sinbad dalam hati : "Why is this weirdo taking my pic???")  :-P

Well as for today, actually yesterday my GFF(2) Mayam is back from Perth!!! (say hi Mayam if you're reading this!) Dari semlm aku nk call2 dia x dpt ..dia tido la.. aku bz la.. but really need to catch with her on her adventures...!! Oh btw mcm mana boleh terlupa plak.. hari ni masuk duit BONUS!!! Ahahaha.. masyuk...!! Oh well, seme DUIT go to my car... my house.. and don't forget ye kengkawan... bulan bayar cukai... deadline is April 30th...! So segera berjimat.. anda selamat... (Hahahha so cheesy how I came up with that line??) Urghh... anyway... IMY ILY...!! You know who you are :-P

Monday, March 26, 2012

Pick Yourself Up and Go

LIFE doesn't have a Pause button (unlike the movie Click) it just goes on and on, people will come and color your lives, they will leave some trails of paint in your heart. While others might not... so just Pick yourself up and Go with it *smile* Happy Monday, and a happy working week ahead! :-)

Sunday, March 25, 2012


Aku dah lama nak memceceh pasal topik ni.. tapi asyik x de masa je... Anyway, sebelum aku masuk topik 'Rebonding' tu ... aku just nk wish happy lazy Sunday to u olls... esok dah Monday kan... kejap je weekend kite berakhir... but anyway... let's get back on topic.. Rebonding! Mmg rebonding ni (in case ade yg x berapa familar with this term) ialah satu proses peng'lurusan' rambut.... ada mcm2 style, cara, dan tempat utk membuat rebonding ni... jiklau anda mempunya byk duit...boleh la pegi salon2 professional ala2 'a cut above' 'thomas n guys' etc etc....so naturally the results pon akan berlainan. If you go to the cheap salons tu... alamat rambut jadi lurus kejung dan keras... NOT NICE ok...? But anyway...aku bukan nak sentuh pasal rebonding yg dibuat oleh kaum wanita tetapi....

Rebonding yang dilakukan oleh kaum Lelaki... sbb aku ada nampak ada satu mamat ni tgh jalan2 dengan awek dia....(konteks lelaki di sini ialah Lelaki yg macho atau lelaki sejati ok) .. dan soalan aku ialah KENAPAKAH WEY? Perlu ke..?? Dah rebonding.. jadi lurus.. kejung.. keras.. pastu kau colorkan plak jadi blonde....! Aduh... maaf la kalau sesape yg terasa.. tetapi..jikalau anda lelaki sejati tak perlu la go that extra mile nak melawakan rambut anda sebegitu rupa... kat pompuan pon belum tentu cantik.. inikan pula kat lelaki.. aku nasihatkan kau rendam la rambut kau tu dgn minyak kelapa byk2... takot aku tengok...!

Anyway, potong pendek, kemas, kasik gel style kan sket kan ok... hensem pe.. x perlu la buat rebonding2 tuh seme...aduh.. sorry kali ni aku x sempat nk snap pic dia... (in case ade yg ingat blog aku pasal 'bf carry handbag awek) tu.. siap ada gamba kan... kali ni sorry la x de gamba... aduh mcm2...!

Here's the link

Anyway, itu je lah bebelan aku buat waktu ni. CIAO!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Lonely.. camner leh lonely kan tibe2..? Post yg tadi tu mcm post yg agak down kan bunyiknye, but this one is kinda .. consoling myself. Oh right back to the topic... Lonely. Korang mesti terpikir caner lah with all the gadgets we have, fb, twitter,  blog, youtube bla bla bla, how can you be lonely? Well sometimes, we spend so much time on all these gadgets that, 'quality time' that we suppose to spend with out loved one mcm terbantut..hence the feeling of loneliness... oh well...Aku nak share something, about a friend, well I known her for very very long, and now she kind of disappeared from my life. Apa silap aku, aku pon tak tahu. Aku msg, baik2 jer ayat aku tu, xdela rude ke ape, but she never replied me back. Aku pon x paham la, where did we go wrong. If you are reading this post, you know who you are, just decency to reply pon apa lah salahnya.
So anyway, I'm waiting for my bestie Ms K, to come home from work. It's getting really lonely here.


It's kind of sad and a sick helpless feeling when you can't say out loud what you are feeling at the moment. I have been reading blogs (other ppls blogs a lot) & I realize that blogs are a powerful tool. It's a sick sucking mind bending tool. You are throwing yourself out there for the world to see, and you are kind of exposed and vulnerable to the backlash. It's a whole other world in here, borderless, shameless and where people are downright nasty to each other. I remember from Lord of the Rings, when the ring is a powerful tool, but in the hands of evil, it can cause ultimate destruction. It's kind of the same thing in here. I have always been mesmerized by the power of the net. How it connects people from every level, and share things that you might have never known before, but sometimes ignorance is bliss. Where is the simple life where we used to grow up with? Nowadays kids grow up way too fast, and they have lesser or limited time to just be 'kids'... oh well.. If ever there is a perfect world, it would be where everyone can accept each other just the way they are, and not be so judgmental....I still feel helpless sometimes with the things that I see and read online.. sometimes I would just have to reserve my comments..if all else fails, I sincerely hope that kindness will prevail...