Tuesday, March 27, 2012

My first Iphone Post :-P

Aku tgh gatal nk try blogging pakai keypad touchscreen Iphone aku yg kecik dan halus nih..cite2 besar kan..? Quite impressed so far, ke aku je yg ketinggalan or is everyone else dah used to blogging thru phone? Ape pon clicking away at the laptop mcm lebif feel kan typo plak malas nk pi clearkan blik..haha..

Wah dah pandai paragraph lagik..! Anyway bukan apa, ots just aku byk snap gamba thru iphone m mcm 'kurang rajin' nk always email the pics to the lappy in order to upload the pics in the post. Ntah pape je kan? Randpm post ni sbnarnay (& yes im still using ipone to karang this post this time) oh ya nak share picture of one of our neighbourhood cat nama diia 'SINBAD' ganas x nama dia ( ala2 sinbad & the 7 seas hikayat tu) look it up why dontcha? Here's his pic sleeping on my baby blue...

(actually it took a few minutes for me to figure out yg mmg. xLeh access pix dari ipone aku straight to this blog post :-P) dafish!!! Terpaksalah aku guna lappy gak (saved ini draft) and will xontinue on lappy. Sheesh.

....continued on the lappy.. I guess if I just want to blog without posting any pictures, then it would be an option to blog using the phone... but to share pictures.. still kene guna Lappy (or does anyone have any idea how to link or post pic in the blog using Iphone?) Let me know ya... ! So here is Sinbad, sleeping away on my baby blue... say hi Sinbad!! :-D

                                             (Sinbad dalam hati : "Why is this weirdo taking my pic???")  :-P

Well as for today, actually yesterday my GFF(2) Mayam is back from Perth!!! (say hi Mayam if you're reading this!) Dari semlm aku nk call2 dia x dpt ..dia tido la.. aku bz la.. but really need to catch with her on her adventures...!! Oh btw mcm mana boleh terlupa plak.. hari ni masuk duit BONUS!!! Ahahaha.. masyuk...!! Oh well, seme DUIT go to my car... my house.. and don't forget ye kengkawan... bulan bayar cukai... deadline is April 30th...! So segera berjimat.. anda selamat... (Hahahha so cheesy how I came up with that line??) Urghh... anyway... IMY ILY...!! You know who you are :-P